Nutritional Health Enhancement

Macro Optimization



Everything that you put into your body plays a role in your overall health in the short and long term. In order to achieve your health goals, it’s important to understand what you’re actually eating and how it works to fuel your body (or bog it down). Our macro optimization planning services are available to clients near Durham, NC; we’ll help you personalize a nutrition plan that reflects your goals as well as your body’s unique needs.

Nutritional compounds are divided into two categories: macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients (commonly referred to as macros) provide the body with the energy it needs to function. The three macros are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. We need each of these substances in large amounts in order to fuel our bodies. However, we need to be careful about balancing these macros to maintain proper health. Having too much or too little of any macronutrient over a long term period can have detrimental health effects. Micronutrients are also important for supporting our bodies’ functions, though we need them in smaller amounts. Micronutrients include vitamins (like vitamin D and vitamin B12), minerals (like calcium, potassium, sodium, and iron), and water.

As your macro meal planner, we’re able to help you determine the right amount of macronutrients you’ll need for weight loss and to live a healthier life. We’ll help you create a solid macro-based diet and design meal plans, guiding you so that you get everything you need to succeed. If you need help creating a macro diet plan near Durham, NC, then consider reaching out to us.



Carbohydrates (or carbs) fuel the body for high-intensity exercise and fuel the central nervous system for brain function. The amount of carbs you should be eating is dependant on the amount of physical activity you are doing, as well as your body’s response to carbohydrate intake. There are some carbs that are healthier than others. Healthy carbohydrates may include grains, dairy, fruit, and vegetables.


Proteins help with tissue structure (organ, muscle, bone, etc.). They also are involved with various functions including metabolic and hormonal systems. Proteins are what comprise the enzymes that regulate your metabolism. Protein can come from animal sources as well as legumes, soy products, nuts, whole grains, seeds, and lentils.

Nutritional Health Enhancement


Fats act as an energy reserve to keep your body going if you’re not taking in enough carbohydrates. Fats also contribute to protecting vital organs and soaking in fat-soluble vitamins. Healthy fat sources include certain oils, nuts, seeds, meats, fatty fish, and dairy products, and are integral to your macro diet plan.


Though not considered a macro, fiber is an essential part of any healthy diet. Fiber can help you maintain a healthy weight and decrease your risk for serious conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. You can get fiber from many vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole-grain products.